Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I have transferred two out of the three works from my newest piece i will post a picture of what it will look like but not done all the way. I have to print out the cross again so that I can have more of the same material on the piece to work with.

What inspires me is bright lights and warm neon colors at night time.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Photography Show

While attending the photography show I was really interested in the works of Casey Waters. The effect of Daguerreotype was amazing. Even though it was a very long process to make the outcome is beautiful. The mirror like image is small but very effective. It's something old but new to most people who have seen it. The other works were alright not saying that they weren't. I was just more interested into the Daguerreotype.

Friday, October 1, 2010

working without thinking

This week I was supposed to work with out over thinking everything. I actually got a lot of ideas doing this I just need to go out this weekend and shoot some pictures to work on this better. Besides just Christianity there are many other religions that are looked at in a negative way and also in good ways. One other religion I'm planning on working with is Islam. One piece will deal with their prayer that they have to perform five times a day. I'm researching more on this matter so that I can work better with it. I believe if you dont know about something or have experienced it yourself the best next thing is research.

I worked mostly with the red one this week I got some further along on the blue one but that one has alot of work ahead meaning im going to have to go re shoot this so that I have a religious background besides the concert scene I was trying to do to show the group of people.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

New Direction

I got stuck with the first process I was going through not only with the techniques and then also the reasoning. During the 1st critic I got some good feed back but then there were also a lot of unopened questions that I didn't know how to answer and still now don't know how to answer. So I started thinking of a different way to go and ended up just tossing that project into the trash and start fresh. I'm planning on going back to the religious conflicts idea that I dealt with in my earlier computer art class work. I talked with Jessica and I may stay with that idea or open it up to a different meaning. I have been working on two different images one is further along than the other so I will be uploading that one. I'm going to try and stay away from using a cross because Jessica made the comment about how that's to literal. so after today I will be working on these for a week without thinking which for me will probably be really hard.

Friday, September 17, 2010

This weekend

I'm planning on starting to write up an email to Pierre to get his artist statement. To get more of an understanding of where he is coming from and what he is trying to get across on his art work.

Monday, September 13, 2010

after friday

once hearing intake on my work and what direction I was going on. I have been really taking a second look on what I was doing and why. Which is scary because now I don't know if I should keep moving forward or just start on something new. A lot of thinking will be happening in the next few days.

Friday, September 3, 2010

working progress

This is what i have so far, I think it looks good. I added a sketch from my tablet and then also a texture.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Third Idea

I have become a huge fan of Doucin Pierre, His work is just amazing, I found a tutorial on how to do one of the many effects that he has made his own. And I want to try and do a series that is like his but with a different twist to it.  

Second Idea

I'm a huge sports fan and haven't really been able to add that into my work to much because sports are not seen to be a fine art. I believe it is because every sport has a different art form like for example, football when a running back gets the ball from the QB he has to try and get as far as he can while trying to beat out the defense. With every stride he has to sometimes juke pass a defender. This would be a different stroke in terms of art. I found an artist that paints certain athletes and sports, Stephen Holland. I just bought a tablet that I'm still messing around with but I want to do what he does but with a computer and done a little differently. Here is a link to some of his work:

started messing with the tablet and this is what i have so far still going to work more with even if i don't end up doing this project.

First idea

Knowing that this semester I was having to figure out what kind of project I wanted to do on my own, I started brain storming during the summer here and there. A lot of my friends have tattoos and I started researching and realized there hasn't been anyone I could find that turned tattoos into a fine art degree. I was thinking about doing a series of tryptic's while in some introducing mixed media with one or two from the series. My thought was to have the tattoo up close and personal in the middle probably in black and white, then on each side have one shot of the person and the other dealing with the tattoo. Because a tattoo always has a story that runs deeper than the skin and I want to try and achieve that in my work.