Friday, October 1, 2010

working without thinking

This week I was supposed to work with out over thinking everything. I actually got a lot of ideas doing this I just need to go out this weekend and shoot some pictures to work on this better. Besides just Christianity there are many other religions that are looked at in a negative way and also in good ways. One other religion I'm planning on working with is Islam. One piece will deal with their prayer that they have to perform five times a day. I'm researching more on this matter so that I can work better with it. I believe if you dont know about something or have experienced it yourself the best next thing is research.

I worked mostly with the red one this week I got some further along on the blue one but that one has alot of work ahead meaning im going to have to go re shoot this so that I have a religious background besides the concert scene I was trying to do to show the group of people.  

1 comment:

  1. i really like the lights and darks in the color. I like the idea of adding text too, I think text would really take your meaning further
