Friday, December 2, 2011

Falling and Floating

It has been awhile since this project has been shown. I'm not really sure what else to add or to take away. I'm hoping to get some feed back on this one.
Also here is another piece.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Two of my works

I want two of my works to be set up either right next to each other or have them as one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Almost finished maybe

I went back to the original background to recreate the black hole with light around it and making it more believable with not just being a dark center. I added also light to the front side of my figure closest to the left corner. I also worked on the present of the figure to help with the interacting with the background.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Aaron Siskind

Thought it would nice to give some information on one artist that I have really attached myself to in a way. His work reminds me of my own. Well atleast his one series of Pleasures and Terrors of Levitation; worked on this series for more than 10 years.
Chiarenza write: Levitation, balance, equilibrium, the controlled formal composition: all are pivotal points around which life in all its opposing dualities operates. In a sense the Pleasures and Terrors pictures, abstractions drawn from the leavings of time and human gesture. Here he conveys a sense not of history but of moment of event, existential in its evocation of man's timeless condition, caught between ideals and realities.

Siskind believe that one most study technique and history consciously, as one might train for a race, so that they could gradually become an intuitive part of one's way of working.

Better late than never

I worked on a few pieces this weekend. I have been getting tripped up on the subjects clothing this weekend. I started messing around and just right now going to research on some different things to do. I will have to look more than just under the clothing. I was really interested in how the photography artist Rob thought about my work. He had a complete different look at one of my main pieces. That it reminded him of the falling man from september 11. Made him look at death rather than my openness involved in my work. This made me start thinking of different emotions I could try to involve within the piece dealing with color, contrast, and etc. Maybe I'm freezing these figures for different reasons rather than the pure moment they are in. Not just freeing the mind but also the body in a way. I will have to start looking with fresh eyes to see if I can get anything else from my work rather than the tunnel vision I was having.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Dive Away

I'm very pleased with how the photo shoot went on Monday night. I'm so glad that I looked more into Aaron Siskind's work. I would have never thought of using a diver for my pictures, I guess it just shows how much someone can just zone in on what they know and not really branch out. A few examples I will post with this blog. So far I have about five or six great shoots from that photo shoot. With that it will be hard I think when I get a chance to take pictures during track when they start practicing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Busy weekend

This weekend has been crazy. I was not able to make it to post a blog until now. I worked all day until 11 at night on friday. Sat and sunday were busy with different things. Sadly on thursday I wasnt able to make it to the gymnastics before they were already done finishing up. I have word back from a swimmer so I will be able to get some shots that way. Luckly its near oct. So track is starting soon. Since my subjects are on a very weird sch. I have been working on two backgrounds and working on my research project. The main artist I am studying now is siskind. I believe this will help me when I will go shoot a diver because I got the idea from him. It was a series he did called pleasures and terrors of levitation.